Depression can happen to anyone at any time, though many people don’t always realize it. Some people go through cycles of depression and assume that things will eventually get better, so they don’t seek help. Others may experience depression due to situational circumstances, so they hope that once their rough patch ends, so will their depression.
Unfortunately, depression doesn’t typically “go away” on its own, if at all. Instead, treatments such as therapy and medication may help break the cycles. Of course, many people don’t realize that they need help or put off seeking help. If you have depression, here are four signs that you should seek help for it.
1. You Feel Hopeless
Hopelessness is a common symptom of depression, and it can be one of the most crippling ones, too. When you feel hopeless, you may feel as though nothing in your life will get better. You experience pain, sadness, and possibly suicidal thoughts. Though you may feel fully convinced that there is no hope in life, this simply isn’t the case.
Depression has a way of twisting even our most rational thoughts. Though we may rationally realize that there is much to be hopeful about, depression makes it nearly impossible to see. If you have gotten to a place where you feel hopeless and have no incentive to move forward, you should seek help for your depression.
2. You’ve Lost Interest in Hobbies and Extracurriculars
As we go through life, we find things we enjoy doing. For example, some people enjoy cooking as a hobby. Others may enjoy painting, playing sports, or reading. While many of us have to devote much of our time to work and other responsibilities, our hobbies and extracurriculars offer a happy break.
Unfortunately, depression can get in the way of things you once enjoyed. Though you may still enjoy your hobbies, you may not feel any motivation to do them. And if you find the motivation, you may not feel much interest or happiness when doing them. Though it feels like you’ve lost all interest in your hobbies, it’s your depression trying to convince you of this.
3. You Have Unexplained Aches and Pains
While many people think of the mental effects that depression can have, it also has plenty of physical side effects. Have you been experiencing seemingly random aches in your back, neck, or even joints? Well, those aches may not be so random after all.
It’s easy to blame aches on minor things, like sleeping the wrong way or hunching over a desk most of the day. However, if you have persistent pains that don’t seem to have a direct cause, you may want to start looking at your depression. Along with aches and pains, depression can also cause changes in appetite, insomnia, and digestive issues.
4. Feeling Agitated, Irritable, and Moody
Depression, like many mental illnesses, can drastically alter our mood throughout the day. Though anyone may experience mood swings, depression makes them a little more sporadic.
Do you find yourself getting angry at a co-worker over something minor? Do small inconveniences, like accidentally dropping your phone on the floor, make you feel extremely irritable? If so, your depression may be to blame. While you may have once had a neutral or relatively happy demeanor, depression can turn your mood upside down. Many people struggle to put their finger on the cause of their mood swings without considering that depression easily causes them.
Seeking Help for Depression
If any of the above symptoms sound like you, there’s good news: depression is very treatable. With the help of therapy, medication, or a combination of both, you can start finding hope and happiness in life. Many people believe that their depression will never get better, but this isn’t the case. You have the power to combat your depression and make meaningful changes in your life — take those first steps and seek help for your depression as soon as possible.
At My Therapy Space, Inc., I am passionate about helping you move beyond your depression and into the life you want. Reach out to me today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.
To learn more about depression treatment, click here.